Innovation management Chatbot

Introducing an efficient Chatbot that revolutionizes Innovation management !

 Kangaruu simplifies ideation  for your teams, providing precise information for informed decision-making on the idea pipeline. With Kangaruu, automate the generation of ideas across your company effortlessly and garner accurate insights to enhance project management on a daily basis.

Join Kangaruu for free and experience a demo with a 14-day trial, no credit card required. Kangaruu integrates seamlessly with MS Teams, with thousands of ideas recorded  monthly.

Say goodbye to manual emailing stafs to gather ideas and embrace automated chatbot engagement, real-time reporting with Kangaruu. Whether you are an agency, consultancy firm, startup, or an established company, Kangaruu offers tailored solutions for efficient idead & time tracking and projectmanagement.

With Kangaruu, see a 40%  increase in collaborators engagement across your company. Ideas are completed on the same day, streamlining operations and boosting innovation at scale.

Discover the innovative chatbot integrated into Teams for effortless time tracking and project monitoring. Kangaruu's dashboard provides up-to-date insights for informed decision-making, ensuring optimal project management and profitability. Enhance your business operations and profitability with Kangaruu's comprehensive time tracking and project management solutions.